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What is effective teaching?

When it comes to life and living as a Christian, what is effective teaching?

How can we ingrain critical Christian values like giving, humility, and thankfulness? How do we teach them to truly love? Being patient, kind, not jealous, or easily angered? How do we make sure our kids are equipped with faith and ready to live their own lives without wavering in the mildest wind?

Is it more important to learn what kinds of miracles Jesus performed or understand what message Jesus wanted to convey through those miracles?

If we think living the values is more important than merely knowing them, we need to teach differently. Christian education is not the same as memorizing spelling words and answering WH questions for stickers.

Our education should touch much deeper parts of our kids as each person and help build their true characters. We should be able to ask and answer many 'why' and 'how' questions. Honest conversations need to be had about bad people, dark side of this world, and tough decisions, and discussions about how to make right choices through all these troubles.

Good life teachers are who provoke with good questions.

Good life teachers are who help build your own path.

Good life teachers are who make you think.



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